Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Beginning.......

So, I know many of you may be confused right now.  After all, you’re reading the blog of the girl who said she would NEVER start a blog!  The same girl who leads a quiet life and prefers to keep it that way.  So what happened, you ask?  Well, the same thing that happened to the same allison who said that once she quit her job and came home to quietly mother a new baby girl, she would never do any public speaking again…..yet every Sunday hears the steel door close behind her and opens the Bible to teach from the book of Revelation to a precious group of women in cell 237 of the Muscogee County Prison.  I know some of you just choked on your diet coke right now.  I don’t even know what’s more surprising…..that allison is leading a Bible study, or that she’s doing it in prison!  What happened, you ask?  God happened.  God looked straight in my eye like He has many times before and chuckled and said, “Oh, you have a plan, do you?  Wait til you see what I have planned!”  What I’ve recently realized, is that when you walk with Jesus daily, and He shows Himself in big and little ways in your life, and everything – even the things you thought were the worst thing that could ever happen to you – point to the glory of our Father, at some point you just feel so full that you just want to shout it all from the rooftop!!  (“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:40.)  It feels so wrong to keep it to yourself, after all, it’s not just your story…’s God’s story!  So what do you do about it?  Well, if you’re living in the 21st century…….you start a blog!

So that leads us to where we are now.  Kris and I have known for a very long time that God was leading us to adoption, but in our plan we were a few years older and more “seasoned” parents.  But when it seemed like it was time for Kate to have a sibling, we began praying more specifically about what God’s plan for that would look like.  As God began focusing our hearts toward “the fatherless,” we began to pray more fervently that God would break our hearts for the things that break His.  I can’t remember ever seeing a prayer answered so clearly and quickly as this one was for us.  I mean He broke us so quickly our necks are still sore from the whiplash!  God brought us to a point, through awareness about the number of orphans around the world and the conditions they are living in, and the blunt fact that they have no parents to love them and tell them how much Jesus loves them, that we could not sleep another night without doing something about it!  And once God lets you “know” something, you can’t “unknow” it.  So, that’s how it began, and now we find ourselves officially…….”IN PROCESS!!!”  J



  1. Allison, I am so glad that you are going to share your story (His story) on your blog.... I love that you were willing to say Yes Lord to a prison ministry and you can hear the love you have for the ladies you minister to.
    I too have prayed to the Lord the very exact words, "Lord, break my heart with the things that break yours." Yes, He is faithful to answer!
    How wonderful it is that Jesus will lead you to the little child He has chosen to be your daughter and for you to be her Mommy. To God be the glory as He unites your family and provides the way and the means to do so. I will be praying for you and your little one...
    God's speed...

  2. Bahahaha! You are so funny and also, I do not like diet coke. So, may I nose spray Crysal Light? =)

    Seriously, I loved reading this. I am so excited to meet the next little friend for my daughter. We cherish our relationship with you, "Cake" and Kris. We will cherish her as well. My prayers are already with her as God guards her little heart and her little spirit until she is united with her family. It is thrilling to know I will watch as God turns something sad like abandonment in an unbelieving country into a forever life with a loving, Christian family.


  3. Rita April 22
    Well I will just say GLORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Allison teaching a Bible study to women and Kris writing a blog.........ME answering a blog. TAlking about out of touch....I have not blogged, no facebook, barely getting the email read. But Wanted you to know that I am so Excited for you. Love getting Pix of Kate, can't wait to see pix of she and sister. May God continue to bless as you continue in His service.
    Love in Christ Jesus
